I did a 30-day blogging challenge over at WriteNow and it was a success! So, I figured I might as well give a photography one a try! Wish me luck!
1. Self-portrait
2. Favorite shoes
3. Clouds
4. Something green
5. Technology
6. Shadows
7. Fruit
8. Sunflare
9. Action
10. Childhood memories
11. Eyes
12. Something orange
13. Hands
14. Animal
15. Close-up (macro)
16. Flowers
17. Black and white
18. Water
19. Trees
20. Sepia Tone
21. Family
22. Sihlouette
23. Action
24. Trains
25. Archetecture
26. Bokeh
27. Sunset
28. Transportation
29. Long Exposure
30. Self-portrait (again)
**EDIT** I'm finally going to get my butt in gear on this! I wanted to be sure some part of fall would be included in the 30 days, so keep your eyes open for this in the next week or two!**
**EDIT** I'm finally going to get my butt in gear on this! I wanted to be sure some part of fall would be included in the 30 days, so keep your eyes open for this in the next week or two!**