Monday, August 29, 2011

30-day challenge

I did a 30-day blogging challenge over at WriteNow and it was a success! So, I figured I might as well give a photography one a try! Wish me luck!

1. Self-portrait
2. Favorite shoes
3. Clouds
4. Something green
5. Technology
6. Shadows
7. Fruit
8. Sunflare
9. Action
10. Childhood memories
11. Eyes
12. Something orange
13. Hands
14. Animal
15. Close-up (macro)
16. Flowers
17. Black and white
18. Water
19. Trees
20. Sepia Tone
21. Family
22. Sihlouette
23. Action
24. Trains
25. Archetecture
26. Bokeh
27. Sunset
28. Transportation
29. Long Exposure
30. Self-portrait (again)

**EDIT** I'm finally going to get my butt in gear on this! I wanted to be sure some part of fall would be included in the 30 days, so keep your eyes open for this in the next week or two!**

Friday, July 22, 2011

Eliza's wedding..

I went to my cousin's wedding up in SLC today and I got some good shots! Just wanted to prove to you guys that I haven't given up on taking photos yet! Beautiful day..

I just had to sneak up the steps to get this shot! "Holiness to the Lord"

The happy couple!

What an amazing temple!

My favorite one of the day. The photographer had the men jump off the steps and Eliza happened to keep smiling, so I was able to get a good shot of her standing on the steps. Painted everything around her black and white and with a small diffuse glow and viola! She looked so beautiful, I sure hope she enjoyed her day :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

first attempt..

Here's Mr. Macreepy.. My first attempt at making a sock monkey. Maybe I'll try again, but right now I'm thinking I need to stick with fixing Cody's jeans. At the most, a simple {flat} teddy bear.


Friday, June 24, 2011

peace offerings..

Where have I been all your life?! I was wondering the same thing. I don't know! Oh, wait! I got laid-off 4 days after that last post and then I've been working two part-time jobs from 1pm to 9:30pm every day! Riiiiight... Here's some photos for your troubles, for which I am sorry:
Camping Fe! I took this when I went to the Boren shindig in Green River. Oh! And I cut off all of my hair {10.5 inches to be precise, thank you very much} and donated it! I miss it a lot more than I care to admit out loud..

I love me some natural lens flare! Taken on the same trip, good ole muddy Green River!

A leaf! Same trip..

A flower from our front yard! I know what you're thinking and YES it's a perennial! Crazy, I know..

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekly Photo Feature: Chaos

I suppose this might be a different definition than I was originally thinking.. But the fact that it was 70-degree weather yesterday, and today it's snowy.. I think it's ok! I let my hair dry naturally today and it was crazy. But that's my hair! So I had some fun outside!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Weekly Photo Feature: In the Window

Early! Thought I'd do it before I forgot.. Here is a photo of my chickens. We have Red, Orange, Orange Cream (she has a little more white in her feathers), and Black. Black is the oldest; we've noticed more of a limp in her step lately, but she is getting old. We bought the other three at the same time. They each have personalities and they are so much fun to have. Especially now that it's warmer, we can enjoy them out of their coop. Whenever there is activity in the kitchen, they insist on being as close to the sliding glass door as they can get. Sometimes, I can even hear them pecking the glass curiously.

Weekly Photo Feature: Macro

Late! But I have more than one photo!! If you were to go through all of the photos I've taken since I first got into photography, you'd notice that most of what I photograph is taken in macro mode. I just love capturing textures and little details. I was a little distracted, or I would have had many more photos to post here! The first is a photo of one of our chickens, Red. We named her that because she is obviously red, but her breed is called Rhode-Island Red. Here's her feathers!

The second photos is of Cody's '94 Jetta when he had the hood up. Sadly, he is not going to attempt to fix it anymore. It's been a great car for him, but it's just been too expensive to keep as a project car. It's pretty sentimental for me because that's the car he had while we were dating. Now he is using pieces of it to fix another Jetta of the same body style, which is a TDI (diesel with a turbo!), and I think that will help the '94 live on in our hearts.

The third and final photo doesn't go with the theme, but I loved it anyway.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Weekly Photo Feature: Shifting Seasons

A little early, but I wanted to get a head-start so I don't skip again! Since it is still pretty cold here, I just have snow.. But I found some green in a paw-print!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekly Photo Feature: Black & White

Same shoot as the bridge {cheater} but I couldn't resist! I love park benches..

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekly Photo Feature: Bridge

Super late, but here it is! This is the only bridge I know about in our area, but I'm sure I'm just oblivious. It was a little cold, but I thoroughly enjoyed this shoot.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Weekly Photo Feature: Self-Portrait

I didn't get to use the camera I would prefer, but it turned out ok. This has been kind of an off week for me. But hey, what do ya do, right? Anyway.. Here's me!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekly Photo Feature: Outside Looking In

My cute ladybug who sits at our front window to welcome guests :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekly Photo Feature: Liquid

I was looking all week for a puddle of some kind to photograph, but it's been too cold! So, here's my kitchen faucet! I loved how the camera caught the bubbles when I had it on high..

Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekly Photo Feature: Symmetry

Sorry it's so late! I had a lot of fun with this one, even though I was worried.. Can I tell you how much I love these chairs? We inherited the round table when Cody's Grandmother passed away last year and then we bought these chairs at a yard sale soon after. One of the best purchases I've ever made! If only they had arm rests, I would probably read in them. So comfy!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Don't cry for me, Argentina..

That's right.. He's leaving on May 25, 2011 and is going to be serving in the Argentina, Salta mission {Spanish speaking} *tear*

{photo courtesy of Cody}

Monday, January 3, 2011

Weekly Photo Feature: Reflections

I wish I had been able to find a puddle to use with this theme.. but I still love taking photos in mirrors. Sorry it's late! I even took the photo on Saturday, but then spaced posting it..