Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My day off..

Though I didn't get up as early as I had intended, I had a beautiful morning up the canyon with my camera and scriptures. I got soaked to the bone, but I enjoyed every minute of it! It was great! Now, onto the spoils..

Friday, October 9, 2009

personal day..

I have Tuesday and Wednesday off next week, so I'm planning on taking an adventure up the canyon to get some much needed personal time and some photos. I've missed my camera so much, and it was perfect timing for me to find the charging cord for this beautiful season upon us! *FALL PHOTOS COMING SOON*

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Oh, how I've missed you..

That's right, I found my charger!! So, here's the first photo I've taken in almost 4 months!! Fall has arrived, so hopefully more will follow soon! Thanks for your patience, folks!:)