So, Cody and I moved out of our house back in May (?) and into my in-laws basement. Pretty nice setup considering we're not paying rent! Downside? We moved everything we wouldn't need into a storage unit. Little did I know, I had forgotten the charger to my camera. Thus, the lack of photos on here. Not that I was uber good at posting before, but you get the idea. The only reason I had my last post from Lake Powell is because my little brother Jeremy graciously lent me his Kodak EasyShare (not a bad camera considering how simple it is!). That + photoshop = some pretty decent photos!
So, I apologize for my slacking, but as you can see, I have a good reason! I miss my camera so much, but they started framing our house two days ago, which means only about 5 more weeks! I feel bad, so here are some photos of the construction Cody took on his phone: